Bet you didn't know....... Sharks
1. A shortfin
mako shark
can leap higher
than a
giraffe's head.
2. A whales
mouth is
almost as
wide as a
3. The great
white shark
has the
teeth of any
living shark.
4. Some
sharks can
smell blood
about a half a
mile away.
5. You are more
likely to win American
Idol than to be killed
by a shark.
6. A spiny
shark can
live more than
100 years.
Information by national geographic kids
Bet you didn't know......... Spiders 1. Golden Silk orb-weaver spidersvibrate their webs
to distract predators.2. After a large meal,a tarantula may not eatfor another month. 3. Black widow spidersare more venomous than rattlesnakes.4. Crab spiderschange color toblend in withtheir surroundings.5. There are more than37,000 speciesof spiders.6. A spider eatsabout 2,000 insects a year.7. Theoldest knownspider fossilsare more than30 millionyears old.8. A pound of spider silk could strech around the Equator.Information by National geographic kids